Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 9: March 11 Weigh-In

Food column: 6 stickers and 1 F. This is my low for the week. The F was yesterday and I was on the fence about whether or not it really was worthy of an F. I decided to give myself the F because it wasn’t a solid non-F. I didn’t want to take credit for something I wasn’t 100% proud of. I want next week to be solid stickers.

I made great strides with food week. Someone offered me a doughnut and my instant reaction was to turn it down. I didn’t feel bad about it at all which is progress. Part of me wanted it, but more of me wanted the weight loss. This is a victory for me. I think part of the trick may be to stop trying to make ourselves not want things, but to ask ourselves what we want more: To enjoy that thing for the short term and probably complicate our weight loss, or to choose the weight loss over our fleeting taste buds?

Exercise column: All stickers this week! Pass! I have a tv in the room that I work out in and it has really helped to put on a movie I have never seen before while working out. It keeps me interested and I’m not constantly looking at the clock. I have been watching the same movie for 3 days now and I will be watching it again tomorrow morning. It sort of reminds me of school. Do you remember when they use to show movies but it would be broken up over a couple of days? I don’t think I’ve watched a movie like that since. Funny…

Water column: All stickers this week! Pass! This is the high of my week. The only requirement I have is to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. Many days I was still thirsty beyond that and I even drank 128 oz a couple of days. I was shocked! I did well over the weekend too because I was very aware of meeting my daily goal. That really helped having a minimum number to shoot for and measure against. I’m really happy about this addition to my quest.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: Yes! I actually lost 3.25 lbs! I didn’t make my 5.25 lb loss, but I am still very happy about how much I did lose and I had the coolest thing happen when I weighed in this morning. You know on those big, professional scales at the gym or dr.’s office? You know how the bottom weight goes in 50 lb increments? Well I normally go straight to a certain 50 lb increment and then adjust the top number a few pounds. Today I went to my usual 50 lb increment and it didn’t even attempt to balance, it just went thud! Of course I am only a few pounds below it, but still…it made me happy.

Goal setting for the next couple of weeks is kind of tricky. My first milestone goal is 2 weigh-ins away and I have 12.5 lbs to lose. That means I have to lose 6.25 lbs for the next 2 weigh-ins to reach my goal. Not likely, however it will still be my weight goal for this week. More importantly, I’m still chasing the 100% sticker week in all categories. I was one sticker away from this week and it will be mine next week!

How will I feel if I reach my goal this week?: I will be very proud of myself and feel more confident. I enjoyed the “fight” this week and my belief level is definitely rising.

How will I feel if I don’t reach my goal this week?: I will feel very angry. I don’t like to feel like I’m wasting my time. This year everything seems to be aligned from the motivation to the timing. If I waste time and defer reaching my goal I will have wasted a great opportunity.

I want to say a special Thank You to a couple of people: My trainer and my sister-in-law. Both of them have been so supportive, encouraging, and have stopped me from beating myself up too much.

My trainer always encourages me to keep moving forward even when I’ve failed…and even when she’s in the middle of a really rough week. She has been there from the beginning and helped me dare to dream I could achieve my goals. She is definitely a person who can look past the duckling’s exterior and see the swan.

My sister-in-law is in the middle of her own quest. She’s in the ring and getting knocked around like the best of them and she’s fighting back. I’m really proud of her. I am not proud of her based on whether or not she reaches her goal. I’m proud of her because she has set a goal and has the nerve to get up and fight for it. It’s inspiring.

Total weight loss: 11.85 lbs

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