Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 8: March 4 Weigh-In

Food column: 5 stickers and 2 Fs. Fail. They were not major infractions, but they did exist and they shouldn’t have. This is my low for the week. Bad food choices don’t happen by accident. They are usually a lightning-fast choice or a knee-jerk reaction. In my case this week it was just not being as disciplined as I should have been.

I had a thought this weekend that really should have been obvious. Do you know those thoughts that roll through our heads that try to convince us that it’s an injustice that we can’t eat the things we want? I have those thoughts and I sometimes get mad when I see someone eating something that I can’t eat. Then I get over dramatic and think, “It’s not fair that I can never eat that food again!!” It occurred to me this weekend that there are a few different categories of food:

Food we eat to lose weight
Food we should always eat
Food we should only have occasionally
Food that is not good to ingest…ever

What am I really upset about? I am currently trying to live within the two categories of Food we eat to lose weight and Food we should always eat. So is it really worth throwing a fit because I’m “missing out” on Food we should only have occasionally and Food that is not good to ingest…ever? If I reach my goal by Thanksgiving that really means I will have to do without Food we should only have occasionally for about 8 months. Oh tragedy! I really need to get over the “poor me” issue here.

Exercise column: 4 stickers and 3 Fs. Fail. I can’t pinpoint an exact issue here except I just didn’t do it. I could have tried harder in this area…definitely. There was one day in the middle of the week that I was run down so I didn’t get up early to exercise. Yesterday and today, I’m going to have to take the blame and know that I didn’t try my absolute hardest to reach my goal. I’m disappointed in myself.

Water column: This is new so I’m going to have the first results next week. I’ve added this column because dehydration has been an issue for at least two weekends now. This weekend I had a horrible headache for two days and I don’t normally get headaches.

Drinking water during the day at work is no problem. I can normally drink between 32 and 64 oz before I leave for the day. On the weekends, my schedule is not very disciplined so I don’t keep track of my water intake as well.

So, my water goal per day is at least 64 oz. As usual, a sticker = achievement, an F = fail.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: No, I lost 1.25 lbs. Fail. This is my high for the week though. I’m happy that I lost weight, but I didn’t reach my goal….by a long shot. I would definitely call it failing forward. It was a major improvement from last week and put me back on the right track.

Here comes the big problem. I have 3 weigh-ins left to lose 15.75 lbs and reach my milestone goal. That means I need to lose 5.25 lbs each week for the next 3 weigh-ins. I don’t know if that’s possible. I’m not going to say it can’t be done because I have lost 5.25 lbs before in Week 4. Plus, to say it can’t be done makes it more probable that it won’t and I won’t put that out there. I’m going to deal with this by shifting my focus this week. I have yet to get all stickers in both the food and exercise columns. Now I have an additional column for water. My goal this week will be to get all stickers in every column. That will prove I tried my very best and I’m willing to let the chips fall where they may after that.

These next two questions come as a suggestion from my trainer. I think they’re a great addition here because it helps put my head in the right place. Thinking about and answering each one really tells you what you want and how badly you want it.
How will I feel if I reach my goal this week?: If I get stickers in every column this week I will feel a great sense of accomplishment! It will make me feel like I got a peek into what I’m capable of…and it will make me feel tough :) I’m tired of feeling weak. I’m tired of assuming I can’t do it and working really hard to convince myself that I can do it. It should be the other way around!

How will I feel if I don’t reach my goal this week?: I would feel really embarrassed, disappointed, pathetic, and I would probably feel like giving up. Part of the reason I started this blog was to face the truth so I can change what I don’t like. When I have to write on here how I’ve failed, and especially when it’s by poor choices, I feel like people reading it would think I can’t do it and I’m just kidding myself. I HATE that thought.

Since I started my weight loss quest I have dropped down into a new 10 lb range. However, I’m only a couple of pounds below the top end. I hate this 10 lb range!! I’m so sick of being stuck in here and I want to drop down to the next 10 lb range!

 I can’t remember who said it, but my motto for this week will be: “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”

Total weight loss: 8.6 lbs

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