Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 17: May 6 Weigh-In

Food column: 5 stickers and 2 Fs. Fail!

Exercise column: 3 stickers and 4 Fs. FAIL!!

Water column: All stickers. Pass.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: No. I lost 0.5 lbs.

Total weight loss: 17.85

I went back and forth about how I should handle a situation that has come up and I’ve decided this: I will not post my weekly updates until June 3. This has nothing to do with giving up or with avoiding responsibility. There are health things that I need to find the cause of and there are some things that need to change in regards to my weight loss goals. For instance:

I need to reset my milestone dates and goals because there is not enough time left to reach them. Since I know there’s not enough time now, it sort of feels like trying to sail a boat that has a hole in it.

I need to evaluate my approach and maybe alter a few things.

To be clear, this is not a vacation. I still expect to exercise, eat right, and weigh in. I’m just not sure how current factors will affect my weight loss. My intent is to step back and reevaluate where I have gone wrong, what I’ve done right, what I want to do and by when, and get advice/resolution for my health issue.

My goal for June 3 is to have lost 8 lbs. (2 lbs a week times 4 weeks.) I know for sure I will be starting my weight loss count over so today is my starting weight.

I’m sorry I am not more specific. Since this is a public space I just don’t feel comfortable giving the details. I know that gives this message sort of a dramatic and cryptic aspect, but I assure you that is not my intent. I have enjoyed writing this blog very much and it has really helped me with my quest.

I will be back on June 3. I promise!

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