Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 16: April 29 Weigh-In

Food column: 5 stickers and 2 Fs. FAIL! I didn’t reach my goal of all stickers, but I did turn things around this week. I noticed that I still need to be more organized on the weekends with my food. During the week, my days are so planned out that eating easily fits into the structure. On the weekends, there’s almost no structure so I find myself eating at weird times and eating things I shouldn’t be. This week I am going to make lunches for the weekend when I’m making lunches for the week. I think that will help.

I still want to see what all stickers in this column will do!

Exercise column: 5 stickers and 2 Fs. FAIL! I got back in the groove of exercising and I started feeling better. At the beginning of the week, I was having problems managing my time. I was going to bed too late and having a problem getting up in the morning to work out. Mid-week I was able to change that and it was much easier to wake up. All in all, a valuable lesson.

I want all stickers in this column too!

Water column: All stickers. PASS! I honestly don’t know what I would do without all the water I drink. I LOVE it! It seems to help everything.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: No. I lost 1 lb this week. Fail. Three more weigh-ins until my next milestone and I need to make some serious progress. I’ve hovered in these few pounds WAY too long. It’s time to start moving again.

How will I feel if I reach my goal this week?: I don’t like it when things feel impossible. This week it would feel amazing to prove it is possible to get all stickers in all categories. I think that will help me with my mental barrier and help me move into a new gear.

How will I feel if I don’t reach my goal this week?: Demotivated!

Total weight loss: 17.35 lbs. I’ve been here for too long! In the big picture, 17.35 lbs in 16 weeks is not that great. It’s time to get better results.

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