Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 1: June 10 Weigh-In

Food column: All stickers!
Points accrued: 10

Exercise column: All stickers also!
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers here too!
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -2.25 lbs
Points accrued: 20

Total weight loss: -2.25 lbs

Total points accrued: 50

So far I’m loving my new system. It has made it so there are so many downfalls to eating something I shouldn’t, or not exercising, that it kicks me out of the emotional thought process and I end up doing what I was supposed to do.

I also found that I was afraid to not exercise one day because I didn’t know how much weight I was going to lose so I didn’t want to give up my 10 bonus points for getting all stickers in that column. The same thing happened in the other columns too and now I have an all stickers week! How hard did I try for that before?!?! :)

So far so good….on to round two.

Have a great week!

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