Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 2: June 17 Weigh-In

Food column: All stickers for the second week in a row! There have definitely been times where I’ve been hungry, looking at the available options, and deciding not to eat certain things because they’ll either incur penalty points or I will lose my sticker for the day. So far, I’ve not been willing to give up any points or stickers and a lot of cravings are actually going away!
Points accrued: 10

Exercise column: All stickers for the second week in a row here too! It’s fitting into the daily routine very well now. It’s something I automatically include when I’m figuring out how long it will take to get ready to leave the house now. Plus, I feel so much better than when I wasn’t exercising.
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers here as well! Of the three columns, this one is the easiest for me. However, it is absolutely equally important as the other two. It makes a huge difference!
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -2.50
Points accrued: 20

Weight change since last milestone: -4.75
Points accrued: 30
Next Milestone: 3 Weeks

Total weight loss: -4.75

Total points accrued: 80

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