Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weeks 4 & 5: July 1 & July 8 Weigh-Ins

I have not been very good the last couple of weeks. I have kind of run away from the problem and I’m not completely sure why. My record keeping the past couple of weeks has been really bad so I don’t have exact numbers on stickers vs. Fs. I do know that I missed atleast one day of eating well, exercising, and water each week so I didn’t accrue any bonus points for those. Here’s the breakdown:

Food column: Atleast one day I ate something I shouldn’t have.
Points accrued: 0

Exercise column: I missed atleast one day of exercising.
Points accrued: 0

Water column: I’m almost positive I missed my requirement of 96 oz atleast once each week.
Points accrued: 0

Weight change July 1: -0.3 lbs
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -1.70 lbs
Points accrued: 10

Weight change since last milestone: -0.25 lbs. I am really disappointed in myself on this one!
Points accrued: 30
Next Milestone: 2 weeks

Total weight loss: 5 lbs. Looking back on my record, I had almost lost this much on 6/17. The next week I gained weight and I spent the next two weeks in a tailspin. This is a good lesson on how one bad decision lasts way longer than just one moment. Ouch…

Total points accrued: 180

I am 4.4 lbs away from the next 10 lb range and I am making that my goal for this week. I need to get back to my work ethic and start making some progress!

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