Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 5: February 11 Weigh-In

Food column: I got 5 stickers and 2 Fs. I swear that stupid candy dish sprouted legs and stalked me this week. BUT I was able to resist and I still haven’t had any. My two Fs were from having a handful of tortilla chips one day and having brown rice another day. The tortilla chips are definitely not allowed in The Maker's Diet, and although brown rice is allowed in Phase III in small increments, it proved to be too much for my body to handle right now. I think it delayed progress a bit.

I haven’t touched on water much yet, but I normally drink roughly 64 oz of water a day with an absolute minimum of 32 oz a day. I don't think I was drinking enough water over the weekend and I ended up a bit dehydrated. I know that will affect weight loss too.

Exercise column: I got all stickers in this column this week. In fact, this morning was day 18 in a row of exercising. I’m going to give myself a pat on the back for that one.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: Yes! In fact, I lost 2.4 lbs. Not as fabulous as last week, but I am actively remembering that my weekly goal is 2.2 lbs. I exceeded that goal. That will get me there!

It was still hard not to weigh in the middle of the week. I spent most of the week thinking I did lose weight, and the other part worrying that I hadn’t. When I was finally able to get on the scale, I was afraid to find out the result. I’m hoping this week will be better as I have more faith that my food choices and exercise habits will continue to move things in the right direction.

Total weight loss: 9.15 lbs

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