Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 12: April 1 Weigh-In

Food column: 3 Stickers and 4 Fs. Colossal FAIL! This is the low for my week. I didn’t eat poorly all day every day, but there were poor choices each day. Since I was on vacation for a lot of it, my normal control was gone. I didn’t have the control over my routine that I normally do because I was away from home and sometimes had to rely on what was available. I also know some of my choices were emotional choices. I probably need to pick up my emotional eating book again. I haven’t been reading it as much lately.

This week there’s no reason why I can’t get all stickers. My next milestone date is in May and I won’t be on vacation at all before then. Now is the time to start gaining momentum again!

Exercise column: 2 Stickers and 5 Fs. Even worse colossal FAIL!! The two days I did exercise I was on my feet all day at theme parks. I was exhausted. My week was the classic “worn out and staying up late” vacation and getting up to exercise was really tough.
There’s no reason why I can’t get all stickers here too this week. I need to get back in the groove and start gaining momentum toward my goals again.

Water column: All stickers this week. Pass! Although I met my 64 oz quota, many days I didn’t drink much more than that and I felt bad physically. I’m not sure if I need to adjust my quota to 96 oz or not. I think I may hold off on tinkering with this just yet.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: No. FAIL! My weight change this week was zero. I’m not kidding. Exactly zero. It’s actually my high point for the week because it is a major gift! I deserve to have gained weight this week.

I don’t like to take gifts for granted, so I want to show my appreciation by turning this week into one of my best weeks ever. All stickers across the board this week!! That’s my goal!

How will I feel if I reach my goal this week?: I would feel great. I’ve hit a wall that I’m having trouble breaking through and I would feel amazing if I was able to break through it this week!

How will I feel if I don’t reach my goal this week?: I would be VERY upset. I really dread the thought of coming back here next week and writing that I failed…again.

I’m realizing that I’ve been at this for 12 weeks and have only lost 13.1 lbs. That’s falling way below what I could have done. I am thankful for the lessons I’ve learned and for the positive adjustments I have made. It’s time now to make some real progress. I can still reach my goals if I don’t waste any more time!!

Total weight loss: 13.1 lbs

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