Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 14: April 15 Weigh-In

Food column: 6 stickers and 1 F. Fail. I missed my goal of all stickers this week. Honestly I don’t even remember what I ate that day that was bad. That makes it easy to decide it wasn’t worth it then!

I do need to start reading my emotional eating book again this week though. I’m starting to let my guard down a little. It would probably be best to get control over it before it derails my progress. So, my goals for this week are all stickers and read at least a chapter in my emotional eating book.

Exercise column: 4 stickers and 3 Fs. Fail! I missed my goal of all stickers this week in this category too. On the days I did exercise I successfully increased the distance by ¼ of a mile. So that’s good progress. Now, I just need to get back up to 7 stickers this week.

My body is feeling great though and I can feel my jeans getting baggier so I think I will have some great measurements at my next milestone date!

Water column: All stickers this week! Pass! I continued drinking a minimum of 96 oz a day and I think it’s the perfect minimum. Some days I only drank 96 oz and I felt pretty good. Definitely better than the days I only got 64 oz. I am happy with this change so I will leave it alone for a while.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: YES! I lost 2.25 lbs! Pass! I am very happy with these results considering all the Fs I got this week. It must be at least partially due to the increase in exercise. I wonder how much I would lose if I got all stickers in every category WITH increased exercise. Let’s find out this week, shall we?

My confidence is definitely rising. My inner dialog is changing from “This could be my year” to “This is my year.” In fact I was talking to my husband recently and said, “I think I can make it happen this year.” He quickly corrected me by replying, “You ARE making it happen this year.” It feels great to believe that! I never thought I would be patient enough to try to lose weight a couple of pounds at a time. I thought it would seem like it took forever. To my surprise, I am happily taking a week at a time and when I lose a couple of pounds I know what they’re worth because I know what they cost. They’re bigger than they sound and I’m proud of every one that has disappeared!

How will I feel if I reach my goal this week?: I will feel great! I’m only 11.25 lbs away from my next milestone and I would be so excited if I had a great number this week to subtract from that.

How will I feel if I don’t reach my goal this week?: I would feel lazy and ungrateful for the opportunity. It may be a long way off now, but time is still ticking away and November will be here before I know it.

Total weight loss: 18.35

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