Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 1: August 19 Weigh-In

Food column: All stickers! This was a hard routine to get back into this week, but it paid off.
Points accrued: 10

Exercise column: All stickers here too! I really do feel so much better when I exercise, but man, 4 am comes too fast!
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers, all columns! YAY!
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -2.75 lbs
Points accrued: 20

Total weight loss: 2.75 lbs

Total points accrued: 50

Monday, August 12, 2013


Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I posted anything. I let the brain game get the better of me. Here’s my confessional: I had a week where I didn’t do what I was supposed to do, and I did what I wasn’t supposed to do. Then I felt bad about it and embarrassed about writing on my blog about failing. The week after that was pretty much the same thing except I felt even worse about writing what a failure I had consistently been. The week after that, I started to settle back into not telling anyone my results and stayed there for a couple of weeks.

I realized in the past couple of days that I had ended up right where I had started. The whole reason I started this blog in the first place was to be accountable and to report my weekly results! It is embarrassing to report when I don’t do well. Especially since I did so well the first couple of weeks when I started the point system. Why do I keep thinking this whole process is going to be easy?? It is going to be a fight every single day!

I guess the question is: Am I willing to fight every single day?

The solution I came up with is to do a reset. I like the point system so it’s staying. The problem is my attitude and conviction level. That’s where I need to make adjustments.

As part of the reset, I will be starting my earned points over as well as my total weight lost. As a positive reminder in the midst of all of this failure, I have lost 20 lbs since I began in January. If I wanted to punish myself further I would figure out how many pounds a month that averages out to…no thanks. I think I will take comfort in the fact that it took me a long time to get here, but I wouldn’t want those pounds back!

My next milestone date is 4 weeks away on September 9, 2013. I have some aggressive goals set for then. In the meantime, I WILL be back next week. Good or bad.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 6: July 15 Weigh-In

I am really struggling right now. I’m really stressed, embarrassed, and discouraged, but I’m not ready to quit. I did not succeed last week, but I am really hoping to turn things around in a big way this week.

Food column: 3 Fs and 4 stickers.
Points accrued: 0

Exercise column: 2 Fs and 5 stickers also.
Points accrued: 0

Water column: All stickers. Yay! I’m happy to meet at least one goal this week.
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: 0 lbs. This is a small miracle in itself. I’m not happy with it, but I’m happier than I would be if I had gained weight.
Points accrued: 10

Total weight loss: 5 lbs

Total points accrued: 200
I hope you have a great week. If you can relate to where I am right now, don’t give up. I won’t either. Rain or shine, I will “see” you next week!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weeks 4 & 5: July 1 & July 8 Weigh-Ins

I have not been very good the last couple of weeks. I have kind of run away from the problem and I’m not completely sure why. My record keeping the past couple of weeks has been really bad so I don’t have exact numbers on stickers vs. Fs. I do know that I missed atleast one day of eating well, exercising, and water each week so I didn’t accrue any bonus points for those. Here’s the breakdown:

Food column: Atleast one day I ate something I shouldn’t have.
Points accrued: 0

Exercise column: I missed atleast one day of exercising.
Points accrued: 0

Water column: I’m almost positive I missed my requirement of 96 oz atleast once each week.
Points accrued: 0

Weight change July 1: -0.3 lbs
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -1.70 lbs
Points accrued: 10

Weight change since last milestone: -0.25 lbs. I am really disappointed in myself on this one!
Points accrued: 30
Next Milestone: 2 weeks

Total weight loss: 5 lbs. Looking back on my record, I had almost lost this much on 6/17. The next week I gained weight and I spent the next two weeks in a tailspin. This is a good lesson on how one bad decision lasts way longer than just one moment. Ouch…

Total points accrued: 180

I am 4.4 lbs away from the next 10 lb range and I am making that my goal for this week. I need to get back to my work ethic and start making some progress!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 3: June 24 Weigh-In

Food column: 6 stickers and 1 F. Such a bummer! I was grocery shopping while starving and they had samples. It proved too much for me to resist.
Points accrued: 0

Exercise column: All stickers this week again! I’m really pleased with how well this is going.
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers again here too! I’m better able to tell when my body is getting dehydrated and that has made such a difference.
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: I gained 1.75 lbs. I am really bummed about this! I know that one day of samples didn’t do this, but I am puzzled as to what did cause this. It was almost as if my body just said, “Nope. I’m going this way instead.” Very weird. However, I am hopeful and working toward getting a good number this week. I think I’m going to work out a little longer every day this week, maybe that will help.
Points accrued: -20

Total weight loss: 3 lbs.

Total points accrued: 130

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 2: June 17 Weigh-In

Food column: All stickers for the second week in a row! There have definitely been times where I’ve been hungry, looking at the available options, and deciding not to eat certain things because they’ll either incur penalty points or I will lose my sticker for the day. So far, I’ve not been willing to give up any points or stickers and a lot of cravings are actually going away!
Points accrued: 10

Exercise column: All stickers for the second week in a row here too! It’s fitting into the daily routine very well now. It’s something I automatically include when I’m figuring out how long it will take to get ready to leave the house now. Plus, I feel so much better than when I wasn’t exercising.
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers here as well! Of the three columns, this one is the easiest for me. However, it is absolutely equally important as the other two. It makes a huge difference!
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -2.50
Points accrued: 20

Weight change since last milestone: -4.75
Points accrued: 30
Next Milestone: 3 Weeks

Total weight loss: -4.75

Total points accrued: 80

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 1: June 10 Weigh-In

Food column: All stickers!
Points accrued: 10

Exercise column: All stickers also!
Points accrued: 10

Water column: All stickers here too!
Points accrued: 10

Weight change this week: -2.25 lbs
Points accrued: 20

Total weight loss: -2.25 lbs

Total points accrued: 50

So far I’m loving my new system. It has made it so there are so many downfalls to eating something I shouldn’t, or not exercising, that it kicks me out of the emotional thought process and I end up doing what I was supposed to do.

I also found that I was afraid to not exercise one day because I didn’t know how much weight I was going to lose so I didn’t want to give up my 10 bonus points for getting all stickers in that column. The same thing happened in the other columns too and now I have an all stickers week! How hard did I try for that before?!?! :)

So far so good….on to round two.

Have a great week!