Monday, January 28, 2013

Deal With the Psychology That Helped You Gain Weight

I am NOT a mental health professional either, but this is another hot topic for me. I mentioned I am an emotional eater. I eat when I’m happy, sad, celebrating, alone, mad, rebelling, discouraged, etc. I can come up with a justification to eat so fast! There’s some major inner-dialog going on in my head on this one.

I think this is part of the reason I haven’t been successful in my weight loss quest. I haven’t fixed the cause yet. It’s like having a giant weed in your yard. If you just keep mowing over it you will trim it, but it will never go away. Only when you get in there and pull it out by the root will it stay away. In my case, weight is not the problem, it’s the symptom.

I have started reading a book called “Breaking Free from Emotional Eating” by Geneen Roth. It has opened by eyes tremendously so far and I am shocked at how deep these particular roots go. I have lots of pulling to do in the coming months, but on the upside, that also means I have no reason to fear food. Food is not a being, it doesn’t have a voice, it doesn’t even have a vote. It is fuel, that’s it. The problem comes from me misusing food and I do that because of a variety of emotions and “emotional scars.” I have used food to feed my mind instead of my body. That’s the problem. I’m trying to make food fill a role it wasn’t designed for.

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