Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 1: January 14 Weigh-In

Food column: I got 4 Fs in this column this week. I definitely need to improve in this area next week. I will say that I am really hard on grading myself with food. I didn’t have any candy, but I had wheat, for instance, that I know my body does not digest well. I gave myself an F because it could have been a setback as much as sugar could have been. Like I said, I’m being hard on myself in this area because this is the number one place that I can sabotage myself.

Exercise column: Six out of six days! All stickers in this column this week. YAY!!! Success! I need to keep it up next week.

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: Yes! I got a sticker here this week. My total was -4.0 lbs. Keep it up!

Total weight loss: 4.0 lbs

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