Monday, January 28, 2013

Find A Way To Be Held Accountable

Here’s a tricky one, especially if you’re an emotional eater like me. I want something to answer to, but rebel against any kind of authority when it comes to food. I have tried teaming up with other people who are trying to lose weight. That is tough because when they lose more weight than me, it turns competitive in my mind. That never ends well for me when we’re talking about weight loss. It’s too easy to psych myself out and play mind tricks on myself. That usually ends in an emotional place and how do I deal with my emotions? I eat. And the cycle rages on…

So, what to do? My answer was to start this blog. I’m sending this out into the world and it doesn’t matter if a million people read it or no one reads it. By simply putting it out there where it’s out of my head and I can’t hide from it is making me accountable. Every week I will update this with my weekly weigh-in results…good or bad. It is good for me to have this to update, otherwise Monday would come and it would be too easy to simply decide it didn’t count this week if it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to.

For others, accountability could be something as simple as a chart in your house where people can see it, two spouses planning meals together, working with a trainer, or keeping a journal. My point is, it doesn’t have to be public, but it does have to be something you face and be honest about.

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