Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 3: January 28 Weigh-In

Food column: I got four Fs this week. I spent a day finishing recovering from being sick and two days getting back in the groove. I also went to a party and made some really poor food choices. I want so badly to have no Fs in this column next week for the first time!

Exercise column: I got four stickers this week. Fail. This just proves how food and exercise need to be in sync. Neither one can make up for the other. Four days of exercising could not save me from all of the food mistakes I made this week. Next week I will be back to all stickers in this column!

Lose 2.2 lbs this week?: Not only did I not lose 2.2 lbs this week, I gained 3.6 lbs! I can’t even begin to explain how upset I am by this. Having to post this is embarrassing, but that was the reason for creating a blog in the first place. Previously, I would have hidden it or become depressed and eaten even more stuff I shouldn’t. This way, I have to face it and decide how to respond. The last thing I want to do is have to write on here next week that I ate everything in sight and gained even more weight. This embarrassment is driving me to work hard this week and show that I am determined to lose this weight!

Total weight loss: 1.5 lbs

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