Monday, January 28, 2013

Find A Way To Celebrate Or Be Recognized For Your Successes

Oh boy, it’s time to be creative! Celebrating and recognizing your successes are important, but food should not be the vehicle. How many times have you heard or said, “Let’s go out to dinner to celebrate”? Me too. Of course it is possible to go out and order something semi-healthy, but why make it harder on yourself? It is way too easy to stray once you’re in that position. Also beware if your inner dialog is saying something like, “I worked hard, I deserve a treat.” In my opinion, that could be emotional eating too. At least for me it is. When my inner dialog says something like that the translation is: I want something sugary and here’s justification for why I’m going to eat it. That habit has only caused problems so far so I’m going to abandon it. I’m now working very hard to avoid making food the reward.

When you meet a goal, try rewarding yourself by downloading a new workout song, buy a new book, or go to a movie (but don’t go to the concession stand!) It just depends on what you’re interested in and what motivates you. Break the cycle and reward yourself in a way that feeds another of your interests.

I have a chart that asks me questions and I answer them daily: Did you exercise? Did you eat well? Did you lose 2.2 lbs this week? There are only two answers: F = no, and a sticker of my choice = yes. That’s my version of being recognized. I can look back on my chart and learn from my mistakes or pat myself on the back for meeting my goals for the week. It’s useful because, good or bad, it is fact. That’s how it happened and I can’t hide from it now.

Well, there it is: all the rules, boundaries, theories, and decisions. Now’s the time where “the rubber meets the road.” I’m ready to give those decisions life and test those theories!

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