Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Dreaded Candy Dish

There is a candy dish at my work available for employees to take what they like. (I think it’s supposed to be a way for the company to show a small level of appreciation to the employees by giving them a treat.) In the dish there are multiple kinds of Snickers, Butterfingers, Reese’s, Hershey’s, Kit Kat, and the list goes on… Since the day I started working here, the existence of that dish has tormented me.

About four months ago, the budget for the candy was cut. While everyone was bummed, I was jumping for joy inside. Finally I wouldn’t have to deal with it! I never brought it up again and hoped no one else would either. That was working fine until last week. It was brought up again, the budget was restored, and the candy dish was once again staring me in the face.

If things were different, I could simply ignore it, avoid walking past it, or find another way to forget it exists. The reason I can’t do any of those things is because as part of my job I am responsible for it. I am responsible to buy the candy and then to fill the dish EVERY DAY. Plus, the stash is literally two steps from my desk and I know exactly what’s in there.

This is frustrating…to the nth degree. It’s already hard enough to avoid sweets or junk food while grocery shopping, but to have to look at it every day and decide what kind of candy to put in the dish is beyond agonizing.

Have you ever gone to the grocery store and filled your cart with almost $200 worth of Halloween candy?  It draws attention. I ALWAYS get asked about it. Next time I have to shop, I should fill my cart full of the usual candy and then put one apple on top. That way the next time someone asks, “Are you stocking up for Halloween early?” I can say, “No, I’m just trying to eat healthier.” I bet it would be hilarious to watch them get so confused.

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